What Our Clients Are Saying
Brian Riker Homes are highly desired for a reason. The name carries weight among home builders in Greensboro, NC. To have a Brian Riker original home is to know quality, comfort, and beauty in a place that is all your own. You too could have an original Brian Riker home that stands out from the rest.
When you have a custom home built by Brian Riker, his tried and true process keeps each project running smoothly and keeps you informed along the way.
No aspect of building a home matters more than communication — between builder and subcontractors, builder and suppliers, and most importantly, between builder and homeowner. Brian’s sales and marketing background serve him well on this point. Fifteen years in outside sales honed his listening skills. Many satisfied customers agree that his willingness to listen and then do what he says made the experience stress-free.
You invest so much of yourself in your home beyond the significant amount of money. Too many builders for too many years have fed the reputation of the “disappearing contractor.” Brian works to defy the stereotype. He’s available, open and ready to answer questions. He returns phone calls promptly and works diligently to keep the homeowner informed along each step of the way.
Materials are not all created equal. Brian is obsessive about using the best quality material for your home. He is equally choosy with his subcontractors: the framers, plumbers, electricians, landscapers and finish carpenters who work on your home. Brian inspects his homes at every stage of construction and is not averse to instructing a subcontractor to rip out a day’s work and do it over. It’s happened before. It’ll happen again. Hurt feelings will mend themselves. Unsatisfactory workmanship won’t.
For that reason Brian Riker fixates on details that make a difference. He uses engineered floor joists and sub-flooring that repel moisture. In this humid and often rainy climate, exposing a home to rain during framing can spell problems — not in the first or second year, but several years down the road. After framing, Brian returns to screw down the sub-floor; a rare extra step to prevent any squeaking. On the one-year anniversary of completion, after the new home has settled (as all homes do), Brian sends a crew back to re-caulk joints and tile. This kind of follow-up care is what sets Brian Riker apart from other home builders in Greensboro. Read More